LocationX(AOA/AOD) Locator
Bluetooth AoA locator device for indoor positioning system providers. The antenna array board contains 16 dual linear polarized patch antennas and an antenna switch for Bluetooth AoA CTE sampling. It is doing I/Q sampling of CTE advertisement packets sent by a Bluetooth AoA tag. The I/Q samples can then be forwarded for further processing by the positioning system via the LAN interface. Multiple locators can be connected to a PC via the LAN interface and used with the demo PC software to demonstrate AoA based indoor positioning.

Key Features
Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 AoA (Angle-of-Arrival) Locator
Operating frequency range : 2400-2483 MHz
AoA antenna array board
Bluetooth 5.1 reach angle, wireless direction finding
Bluetooth indoor positioning system
Mechanics / Design
Size: 180.5 x 180.5 x 60mm(h)
Weight: 550g
Color: Gray
Input voltage: DC 5V (1A)
Signal Output : UART (Baud Rate : 921600)